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The true lifestory of Annie Carmilz Wescott) Bestseller

The true lifestory of Annie Carmilz Wescott) Bestseller

Annie's true life journey (Also inside!

God's Call 

The early years

Years in exile

The journey 

Finding God 

Was lost but now found

Hope for the hopeless 

To every teen

To every youth

To every parent 

To every prisoner etc.

To every working man & woman 

To every dreamer

The purpose of Life 

Behold now is the accepted time. 

Suzanna Wesley 

Charles H Spurgeon 

Martin lloyd Jones 

The praying mother 

Annie's true  life story is way  too extraordinary.

Its an extraordinary,miraculous unique childhood story that amuzed everyone around her right from the time she was born upto the time she was in high school.

She was very different from everyone else. Whilst at school,...just like every orther teen,..she had ambitious goals and was one of the most intelligent pupils.

In 1997 just one year into graduation from high school,..something extraordinary happened to her which changed everything around her & also affected lots of people, which included her family, her neighbors and the entire community. lt was a confirmed everything about her unique upbringing & her parents were not surprised at all after they had seen the hand of God over her life.

it marked a beginning of a totally new different journey...which came with obstacles which she faced whilst heading into that direction  until she finally gave up.

After giving up briefly,......she found herself in exile & remained in that foreign state for almost years, day in  & day.But the mysterious work of God over her life & how he protected her  shock the entire community and anyone who came across Annie. Her life in that exile land was governed by God's special providential care.

Towards the end of that long, long period,....she re-met her father who refreshed her with a few words of wisdom. She then realized she had left one item behind which resulted in her being in exile and upon going back to pick it up,..... it opened up and became a new key to a whole new different was a was life's greatest hope.The Lord had led Annie and was at work.

She speaks  to different age groups across the globe speaking in conferences, schools, teens, seminars, prisons etc bringing the message of hope and that the hope seen with our human eyes isnt true hope....but hope that is true hope,..and sadly very few find it.

She's since authored 13 books.Annie's passion and love for the vulnerable, needy souls led her to establish the organization (SAWY).

She's founder of SAWY in Africa)...which now has over a dozen kids, these include ..(abandoned kids,starving kids,homeless kids, mothers and youths.

She helps infants,children by offering education, shelter, food, clothes and also donating to hospitals, prisons items such as food stuffs,personal hygiene,building of schools etc.

Annie's story is a brings life and hope and a perspection of who God is in a world full of answers. 

Its a must read book for every youth, parent & all ages.

You can can contact Annie carmilz Wescott on Facebook and LinkedIn. 


Remember thy creator whilst you are still alive.....before the difficult days come.....Ecc12v1. 


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    Charity sawy Sub-Saharan ophanages 

    Every purchase goes towards shelter, food,education and health care for the vulnerable kids at the ophanages.

    It all began several years ago. Founded by Annie Wescott in 2015,… Born out of a loving heart and founded on Matt 25 v 31-40,..Sawy Shelters abandoned vulnerable kids in Sub-Saharan Africa which include infants,ophans & disability. It provides Shelter, food,education & Healthcare. With over 500 kids,….. Sawy strives to care for them through shelter, food & learning center.If you would also like to support sawy, can donate here or send an emailIf you would like to send items to our office in Nebraska,……Items such as powdered milk, diapers,mosquito nets, blankets, clothes, mattresses, dried foods such as salt,sugar,beans,rice,olive oil,cornmeal, & daily essentials for the infants and toddlers, clothes, backpacks, bulb syringes, toys, folding tables ,wheelchairs, school materials etc.Visit our GoFundMe (Copy & paste this link on Google…( anniecarmilz4@gmail.comYour help will go a long way.Thank you inadvance.For Christ's Cause

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