Book of Revelation ( Wake up, not be deceived,..its taking place right now)
It has taken a journey of 8yrs of waiting on the Lord. Finally by his
will & grace ,....this book is out.
There's alot of false teaching and false teachers who have distorted the truth & continue to do so contrary to what scripture says thats why it is very very important to know Gods word. Many are so deceived today because they dont read the Bible as a result they have no knowledge of God's word.
This book addresses the most critical topics of the book of revelation which false teachers have distorted.
Please do not be deceived about the meaning of the mark of the beast & what false teachers say. Do not be deceived about the number 666 & its insertion. Do not be deceived about Armageddon or the so called false rapture & what they say. What they say is unbiblical & many are deceived.
--Mark of the beast.....( The tuth is that the mark of the beast is already taking place contrary to false teaching that it takes place in the future. They have no understanding of God's word & hence distort it. It is seriously taking place right before our very eyes & multitudes upon multitudes already have the mark without being aware.
--Seven bowls of wrath.........(it is not only the mark of the beast that is taking place right now but also 6 out of 7 bowls of wrath are taking place & many are already affected without being aware. Only the seventh bowl is yet to take place.
--Thousand years........( This is already taking place too including the seven seals too.
The mark of the beast is not what they say it is. Its not a chirp or an implant. Those are total lies. It is something else which is uncommon.
--The Biblical meaning of the 'Mark of the beast & who is affected by it.
--What is the number "666" & its meaning.
--The false lies on the number 144,000.
--The meaning of the " thousand years & the so called false church rapture by false teachers.
--The Armageddon & when it takes place.
--The first resurrection & when it takes place
--The meaning of the woman & great dragon
--The meanings of the seven bowls of wrath, seven seals, golden censer, gog & Magog, twinkling of an eye etc.
--The final coming of Jesus which is the seventh bowl & it marks the end of the world.
There is only one judgment, heaven & one hell. And you can only go to either heaven or hell whether you like it or not. If you bear the mark of the beast,...., you are on your way to hell.
Wakeup,......dont let false teaching deceive you that its coming in the future,....its already taking place right now. Save yourself from the mark of the beast,...& from the coming wrath of God.
And they shall go away to eternal punishment...., but the righteous to eternal life. Matt 25v46
Now is the time to prepare. Tomorrow may never come for you.